Cloud Watch dashboard for monitoring EC2 instance using Terragrunt.

Cloud Watch dashboard for monitoring EC2 instance using Terragrunt.

OverView :-

#CloudWatch dashboards provide a centralized and customizable view of your #EC2 metrics, such as CPU utilization, network traffic, disk I/O, and more. By creating a dedicated dashboard, you can monitor the health and performance of your EC2 instances at a glance, enabling you to make informed decisions and take proactive actions to optimize resource utilization and maintain application stability.


  • An AWS account with appropriate permissions to create CloudWatch dashboards.

  • #Terraform & #Terragrunt installed on your local machine.

  • #AWS credentials properly configured.

Step 1:- Open an virtual editor (vs code) for developing the code.

Step 2:- For creating cloud watch dashboard using terragrunt, Create a directory named cloud-watch-dashboard in your home directory. In that cloud-watch-dashboard directory create a one-more folder with name (module)and create two files called and in the module Folder.

step 3:- Open the file and paste the below code to create a cloud watch dashboard.

resource "aws_cloudwatch_dashboard" "main" {
  dashboard_name = var.dashboard_name
  dashboard_body = <<EOF
    "widgets" : [
        "type": "metric",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "width": 12,
        "height": 6,
        "properties": {
          "metrics": [
          "period": 300,
          "stat": "Average",
          "region": "${var.region}",
          "title": "EC2 Instance CPU"
        "type": "metric",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 10,
        "width": 12,
        "height": 6,
        "properties": {
          "metrics": [
            ["AWS/EC2", "NetworkIn", 
          "period": 300,
          "stat": "Average",
          "region": "${var.region}",
          "title": "EC2 Instance Network In"
        "type": "metric",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 16,
        "width": 12,
        "height": 6,
        "properties": {
          "metrics": [
          "period": 300,
          "stat": "Average",
          "region": "${var.region}",
          "title": "EC2 Instance Network Out"
        "type": "metric",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 22,
        "width": 12,
        "height": 6,
        "properties": {
          "metrics": [
          "period": 300,
          "stat": "Average",
          "region": "${var.region}",
          "title": "EC2 Instance Disk IO"

step 4: Define variables in file for the above file.

variable "instance_id" {
    type = string
    description = "Id of the instance"
variable "dashboard_name" {
    type = string
    description = "Name of the Dashboard"
variable "region" {
   type = string
   description = "default region"

Step 5:- After setting up all those things in the module folder. create one folder named cloud-watch in the cloud-watch-dashboard directory, within that cloud-watch folder create a file called terragrunt.hcl

Step 6 :- Here, we are defining the variable values and deploying our code using terragrunt. u can use the below code to create the dashboard using terragrunt.

terraform {
  source = "../Dashboard"
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()
locals {
  instance_id = "i-jjb8967799756njbd"
  region = "us-east-1"
inputs = {
  dashboard_name = "ec2-cloud_watch-dashboard"
  instance_id    = local.instance_id
  region         = local.region

Step-7 :- After completed all those file setup.Open the terminal.

Step-8:- Locate to your cloud-watch folder which is being created in your module directory.(as shown in the below picture)

Step-9 :- In that location only you need to perform the command terragrunt init.

Step-10: After completion of the initialization. Next need to perform terragrunt plan.After successfully planed. Next need to perform terragrunt apply.

Step 11:- once it is applied. Login to your #AWS console.

Step 12: In your #AWS management console, Search for cloud watch service.

Step 13:- you can see the cloudwatch dashboard has been created.

Source-code link :-***”***

Conclusion :-

CloudWatch dashboards provide a centralized view of your #AWS resources, allowing you to #monitor performance, #troubleshoot issues, and make informed decisions based on #real-time data. With #Terraform, you can define and manage your dashboards as code, enabling repeatability, #version control, and easy collaboration within your #infrastructure-as-code workflow.