Automating GitHub Team Creation with Terraform: Streamlining Collaboration and Access Management

Automating GitHub Team Creation with Terraform: Streamlining Collaboration and Access Management


#GitHub provides teams as a way to organize and manage groups of users with specific access permissions to repositories. With #Terraform, you can automate the creation and management of teams in #GitHub, making it easier to enforce consistent access controls and streamline collaboration within your organization.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating teams in #GitHub using #Terraform. By leveraging #Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code approach, you can define team configurations as code, enabling easy replication, version control, and collaboration within your infrastructure workflow.


  1. #Terraform should be installed

  2. #Github credentials should be configured.

Step1 : Create a folder named github-teams and with in that folder create a the needed terraform files such as (,,,

Step 2:- Open provider file and define the #Github provider.

provider "github" {
  token = var.github_token

Step 3 :- Open the file provide the variables.

variable "github_token" {
  default = "YOUR GITHUB TOKEN"

variable "team_names" {
  type = list(string)
  default = [

Step 4 :- copy the below #Terraform code for creating teams in #Github organization.

resource "github_team" "mahira_team" {
  count = length(var.team_names)
  name  = var.team_names[count.index]

The count is a meta-argument is used to create multiples , we are fetching the names of teams from variable files using the above code

Step 5 : Like an add-on you can provide an output in output file

output "teams_id" {
  value = [for i in github_team.mahira_team :]

Step 6 : Perform terraform init & terraform plan & terraform apply -auto-approve

Step 7 : You can find the output in #Github under teams it will be created.


Automating the creation of teams in #GitHub using #Terraform provides a scalable and consistent approach to managing access controls and collaboration within your repositories. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you have learned how to leverage #Terraform to define and manage teams programmatically.