Automating Serverless Operations: Deploying AWS Resources with CloudFormation for Lambda Functions and CloudWatch Alarms

Automating Serverless Operations: Deploying AWS Resources with CloudFormation for Lambda Functions and CloudWatch Alarms

Introduction :-

#AWS CloudFormation is a powerful #infrastructure-as-code (IaC) service offered by #Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the provisioning and management of #AWS resources. It enables users to define their infrastructure requirements in a declarative template, #automating the creation, update, and deletion of resources in a predictable and repeatable manner.

This #AWS CloudFormation script is designed to facilitate the #deployment of #AWS resources essential for a serverless #Lambda function. #Serverless computing is a paradigm shift in #cloud computing, allowing developers to focus solely on writing code while #AWS takes care of the underlying infrastructure. Within this script, not only is the #Lambda function provisioned, but it also includes the configuration of associated #CloudWatch Alarms for monitoring and alerting.

AWS CloudFormation Template

  • #AWSTemplateFormatVersion: Specifies the format version of the #CloudFormation template.

  • #Transform: Specifies the transformation used. In this case, it’s using the #AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) with version 2016–10–31.

  • Description: Provides a description of the #CloudFormation template.


This section defines the input parameters for the #CloudFormation template. Input parameters allow customization when creating or updating the #stack.

  1. EnvironmentName: The environment name for the application.

  2. #ApplicationName: The name of the application.

  3. CodeS3Bucket: The name of the #S3 bucket where the #Lambda function’s artifacts are stored.

  4. CodeS3Key: The #S3 key for the Lambda artifact.

  5. #AccountId: The #AWS account from which #SQS messages are to be replicated.

Deployment Steps

Follow these steps to upload and create the #CloudFormation stack using the #AWS Management Console:

  1. Sign in to the #AWS Management Console: Log in to your #AWS account if you haven’t already.

2. Navigate to CloudFormation: Go to the AWS CloudFormation service from the #AWS Management Console.

3. Click the “Create stack” button.

4. Upload the CloudFormation template file (YAML).


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Serverless Lambda function
    Description: Environment name for the application
    Type: String
    Description: Application Name
    Type: String
    Description: S3 Bucket in which the artifacts are stored
    Type: String
    MinLength: 3
    Description: S3 Key for the lambda artifact
    Type: String
    MinLength: 3
    Description: The AWS account from where the SQS messages are to be replicated
    Type: String
    MinLength: 1
Mappings: {}
Conditions: {}
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
    - LambdaSecurityGroup
        Bucket: !Ref CodeS3Bucket
        Key: !Ref CodeS3Key
      Handler: index.Hander
      MemorySize: 128
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      Timeout: 30
      - AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole
      - Version: '2012-10-17'
        - Effect: Allow
            - sqs:ChangeMessageVisibility
            - sqs:ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch
            - sqs:DeleteMessage
            - sqs:DeleteMessageBatch
            - sqs:PurgeQueue
            - sqs:ReceiveMessage
          Resource: !Sub arn:aws:sqs:${AWS::Region}:${AccountId}:*
        - Effect: Allow
            - sns:Publish
          Resource: !Sub arn:aws:sns:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:*
        - Effect: Allow
            - secretsmanager:DescribeSecret
            - secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
            - secretsmanager:ListSecretVersionIds
            - secretsmanager:ListSecrets
          Resource: !Sub arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:secret:${EnvironmentName}-mahiratech-secrets*
      FunctionName: !Sub ${EnvironmentName}-${ApplicationName}
          Type: Schedule
            Schedule: rate(1 minute)
    Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
      AlarmName: !Sub ${EnvironmentName}-SQSLambdaAlarmForError
      AlarmDescription: Alarm if lambda errors out too many times
      Namespace: AWS/Lambda
      MetricName: Errors
      - Name: FunctionName
        Value: !Ref LambdaFunction
      Statistic: Average
      ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold
      Threshold: '10'
      EvaluationPeriods: '5'
      Period: '60'
    - LambdaFunction

    Description: Console URL for the Lambda Function.
    Value: !Join
      - ''
      - - https://
        - !Ref AWS::Region
        - ""
        - !Ref AWS::Region
        - "#/functions/"
        - !Ref LambdaFunction

5. Specify Stack Details:

  • Enter a Stack name for your #deployment.

  • Provide parameter values as needed.

  • #Review and acknowledge the capabilities (if required).

  • You can set additional stack options or tags if necessary.

6. Review and Create:

  • Review the #stack details and #configuration.

  • Click “Create stack” to initiate the #deployment.

7. Monitor Stack Creation:

  • The #CloudFormation stack creation process will begin.

  • #Monitor the stack events in the #AWS Management Console.

Conclusion :-

#AWS CloudFormation plays a pivotal role in modern cloud #infrastructure management by providing a standardized and automated approach to defining and deploying #AWS resources. The #CloudFormation script presented here exemplifies its capabilities in provisioning a serverless Lambda function, an integral component of many #serverless applications.

By using this script, #AWS users can expedite the #deployment process while ensuring consistency and reliability. Moreover, the inclusion of #CloudWatch Alarms in the script demonstrates the importance of #monitoring and alerting in maintaining the health and performance of #AWS resources.