Building a Cloud Watch Dashboard for Load Balancers: A Terragrunt Approach

Building a Cloud Watch Dashboard for Load Balancers: A Terragrunt Approach

Introduction :-

Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard is a web-based service that allows users to monitor and visualize their AWS resources and applications in real-time.In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a CloudWatch dashboard specifically for monitoring your AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) using Terraform. By leveraging the power of Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code approach, you can automate the creation and management of your CloudWatch dashboard, making it easier to maintain consistency and scalability across your infrastructure


  • An AWS account with appropriate permissions to create CloudWatch dashboards.

  • Terraform and Terragrunt should be installed on your local machine.

  • AWS credentials properly configured.

Process :-

Step1: First we need to define the Terraform resources. For that create a directory/folder with name lb_dashboard_terraform. Under the folder create terraform configuration files such as , &
resource "aws_cloudwatch_dashboard" "main" {
  dashboard_name = var.dashboard_name
  dashboard_body = jsonencode({
    widgets = [
         type = "metric",
         x = 0,
         y = 6,
         width = 12,
         height = 6,
         properties = {
           metrics = [            
             "Load Balancer",
             "Target Group",
               region  = "us-west-2",
            "Load Balancer",
            "Target Group",
           period = 300,
           stat = "Sum",
           stacked = false
           view    = "timeSeries" 
           region = "${var.region}"
           title = "Unhealthy State Routing"   
      type = "metric",
         x = 12,
         y = 12,
         width = 12,
         height = 6,
         properties = {
           metrics = [        
                region = "us-west-2",
           period = 300,
           stat = "Average",
           stacked = false
           view    = "timeSeries" 
           region = "${var.region}"
           title = "ProcessedBytes"

resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "metrics" {
  alarm_name            = var.alarm_name
  comparison_operator   = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
  evaluation_periods    = "2"
  metric_name           = "RequestCountPerTarget"
  namespace             = "AWS/ApplicationELB"
  period                = "120"
  statistic             = "Sum"
  threshold             = "20"
  alarm_description     = "This metric monitors load balancer requests exceeding 100 per minute"
  dimensions = {
    LoadBalancer = "${var.load_balancer_arn}"
    TargetGroup  = "${var.target_group_arn}"
  insufficient_data_actions = []
  alarm_actions     = var.alarm_actions

step 2: Define the terraform variables for the file in a file named
variable "load_balancer_arn" {
  type        = string
  description = "ARN of the load balancer to monitor"

variable "target_group_arn" {
  type        = string
  description = "ARN of the target group to monitor"

variable "dashboard_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Name of the CloudWatch dashboard"

variable "alarm_name" {
  type        = string
  description = "Name of the CloudWatch alarm"

variable "region" {
  type        = string
  description = "AWS region"

variable "alarm_actions" {
  type        = set(string)
  description = "Alarm Actions"
  default     = []

Step 3:- create one more directory named lb_dashboard_terragrunt and create a file named terragrunt.hcl. Next define the terragrunt code in that file as shown below.

terraform {
  source = "../lb_dashboard_terraform"

include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

inputs = {
  dashboard_name   = "loadbalancer-dashboard"
  target_group_arn  = "Target Group Suffix arn"
  load_balancer_arn = "Load Balancer Suffix arn"
  region            = "us-west-2"
  alarm_name        = "loadbalancer-monitoring"

Step 4: Pass your load balancer arn and target group arn values in the place of Target Group Suffix arn and Load Balancer Suffix arn.

Step 5: Apply your changes Once you’ve defined your Terraform resources and Terragrunt configuration, you can apply your changes with the following commands

terragrunt init
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply

Note: make sure you navigate to the terragrunt file created folder and perform these commands

Conclusion :-

That’s it! You’ve created a CloudWatch dashboard for monitoring a load balancer and target group using Terraform and Terragrunt. You can customize this code to monitor other metrics or add additional resources to your infrastructure.