Former2 Tool Set_Up:

Former2 Tool Set_Up:


#Former2 allows you to generate #Infrastructure-as-Code outputs from your existing resources within your #AWS account. By making the relevant calls using the AWS #JavaScript SDK, Former2 will scan across your infrastructure and present you with the list of resources for you to choose which to generate outputs for.

Though some #AWS services do not require it, you will need to install the Former2 Helper browser extension in order to have support for all AWS services. The extension exists to bypass a lack of CORS on some services, such as #S3 and IAM.

we need to install former2 helper for google chrome are any of your continue to the credentials.

In that credentials you need to give your user access_key id and secret_key id its mandatory other session token,assumed role and source identity all continue to parameters.

In parameter, You can optionally include your own CloudFormation stack parameters by adding them below. If the default value is set, !Ref or !Sub may be used to reference these parameters in the output if the values match.Need to add name and default continue to settings.

Based on your details it will scan your account and also you can add your resources and you can enable your default resources and you can set your default outputs and you can modify your programming languages etc.


Setting up the #Former2 tool enables you to leverage its powerful capabilities in generating #infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates from your existing cloud resources. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you have successfully installed and configured Former2, allowing you to automate the generation of IaC templates and simplify your infrastructure management.

Former2 eliminates the need for manual and error-prone documentation of your cloud resources. With its ability to reverse-engineer your infrastructure, you can quickly generate #Terraform, #AWS CloudFormation, or #CDK templates that accurately represent your existing resources. This saves valuable time and effort in managing and reproducing your infrastructure across different environments.