From Chaos to Control: Streamlining Project Management with Jira and CircleCI Integration

From Chaos to Control: Streamlining Project Management with Jira and CircleCI Integration

Overview :-

This document explains how to make project management easier by using two tools: Jira and CircleCI. Jira helps teams manage tasks, while CircleCI handles the automation of tasks like testing and deploying software.

Pre-requisites :-

Understanding of Jira :- Jira is a tool that lets teams track tasks and projects. It’s useful for seeing what everyone is working on and what needs to be done next.

Understanding of CircleCI :- CircleCI is a tool that automates the steps of software development, like testing new changes. This means less manual work for developers.To follow this guide, you need access to both Jira and CircleCI. Make sure you have the necessary permissions.

Procedure :-

Setting up the Jira :- Login to your Jira Service Managment account and navigate to security and create an Api-Token. (To do this Click on your profile and the click on manage account → click on security on the list of available options → click on Create and manage API tokens → click on create API token and copy the token).

Setting up Circleci :- Login to your circleci account and Create a context for storing Your Jira api-token and User name.

Step-1 :- Create a folder with name jira on your desktop and create a circleci config file within the folder. Copy the below code into the config.

version: 2.1

       - image: circleci/node:10
      - run:
         name: Install dependencies
         command: npm install

      - run:
         name: Create Jira ticket
         command: |
           curl -X POST \
           -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
           -u ${JIRA_USERNAME}:${JIRA_API_TOKEN} \
           --data '{
           "fields": {
               "project": {
                   "key": "MT"
             "summary": "create-jira-ticket using circleci",
             "description": "This task is for creating jira ticket using circleci config file",
             "issuetype": {
             "name": "Task"
             }' \
  version: 2
      - create-jira-ticket:
          context: qaStep-2 :- Login to your Github account and create a Private repository with name jira. Replace the values such as PROJECT_KEY and Issue summary with your necessary details then push the code.

Step-3 :- Integrate your Github repository with circleci to run the pipeline

Note :- plz check the name of the Context and the name passed within the config is same.

Step-4 :- when u run the pipeline you can see that a ticket is being created in your jira.

Conclusion :-

Integrating Jira and CircleCI can save time and reduce errors in projects. By following the steps outlined above, teams can work more efficiently and stay focused on creating great software.

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