Securing Your AWS S3 Buckets: Enforcing Block Public Access with Terragrunt Automation and Step-by-Step Manual Guide
Over view:-
#S3 Block Public Access is a feature in #Amazon S3 that helps prevent public access to S3 buckets and objects. Enabling this feature provides an added layer of #security to protect your data from accidental or intentional exposure. #S3 Block Public Access includes settings for blocking public access at the account or bucket level, and can be configured using the #AWS Management Console, CLI, or API. By default, #S3 Block Public Access is disabled, so it’s important to enable this setting to protect your S3 data.
#Terragrunt should be Installed on your local machine.
#Aws account with proper permissions.
A dynamo-db table and s3 bucket should be created on your aws account.
Step-1 :- Create a folder with name #s3-policy on your desktop. within the #s3-policy folder create a file named terragrunt.hcl and paste the below code. update the below configuration(bucket,dynamodb_table,region) with your details.
# First u need to create a s3 bucket and dynamodb table for storing your terraform configuration files and update their names in the above bucket and dynamodb_table values
remote_state {
backend = "s3"
config = {
key = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"
encrypt = true
dynamodb_table = "YOUR-DYNAMODB-TABLE"
generate = {
path = ""
if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
Step-2 :- Within the s3-policy folder create one more folder named s3 and a file named #terragrunt.hcl then copy the below code into the file.
# terragrunt.hcl
terraform {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
inputs = {
bucket_name = "s3-bucket-public-access"
block_public_acls = true
block_public_policy = true
ignore_public_acls = true
restrict_public_buckets = true
open the terminal window and navigate to your s3 directory. Configure your aws credentials and enter the first command #terragruntinit for Initializing and after Initialization, enter the second command #terragruntplan when the plan executed successfully,enter the third command #terragruntapply.
Step-3 :- After deploying the code,login to your #Aws account and check whether an #s3 bucket is being created with block public access using #terragrunt.
Source-code link :- “”
Follow the step to get solve the issue Manually:
Open the #Amazon S3 console at
click on create bucket and give a name for the bucket
Choose the required actions in #Block public access (settings).
click on create bucket.
Enabling #S3 Block Public Access is a critical step in securing your S3 data. By preventing public access to #S3 buckets and objects, you can reduce the risk of accidental or intentional exposure of sensitive data. #S3 Block #Public Access includes settings for blocking public access at the account or bucket level, and can be configured using the #AWS Management Console, CLI, or API. Enabling this feature is highly recommended to ensure the #security of your S3 data.